Yuval Zommer: "My biggest challenge in all my books is to make sure everything is scientifically and anatomically correct".


 We are honored to present an exclusive interview with the esteemed illustrator Yuval Zommer, on the occasion of his book "The Big Book of the World."

How did you get the inspiration to write this book?

I got inspired to write this book during the Covid period, when everything including schools, shops, works places etc was closed and everyone had to stay home. During this time, when the world seemed to slow down, people started to re appreciated their gardens, balconies and parks again. This idea of reconnecting with nature led me to the book!

 What is your favorite part or story from the book and why?

I love to sneak in a personal touch in every book, so for example: for the ‘age’ section (pages 20 and 21) the birthday boy is based on my nephew. Also, for the ‘ecosystem’ section (pages 40 and 41) the girl in the boat is based on my niece!

What was the most interesting fact or piece of knowledge you discovered during your research for the book? 

I found it fascinating that everything created by nature, even the smallest thing, is completely unique and no two are ever the same (pages 8 and 9), just like us humans!

 How do you believe this book can encourage children to appreciate and respect nature?

From the air that we breathe, the food that we eat, the clothes we wear, the adventures we seek, you will always find a connection to nature. And the more we connect with nature, the more we can connect with ourselves. I actually think children inherently know this, but it’s the adults who seem to forget!

 What were the biggest challenges you faced during the creation of the book?

 My biggest challenge in all my books is to make sure everything is scientifically and anatomically correct, so I had to do a lot of research and speak with many experts.

The scientists check all the facts in the book, they even count how many legs I’ve drawn for each insect!

 Is there any upcoming project or book you are working on that we would like to know more about?

 Yes, I’m currently combining my love of travelling and adventures for a new series…

I’m not allowed to tell you more at this stage, but I can let you know the I’m hoping to include a bit of Greece in there too!

 What is the most exciting thing that has happened during the promotion of the book?

 The most exciting thing for me was to see the book translated into many languages, including Greek of course, as well as Dutch, Spanish, Polish, Ukrainian, Chinese and more. It shows how children, no matter which part of the world they are from, all care and want to know more about our natural world!

It is a great privilege for us to share this exclusive interview with such an accomplished artist.

Yuval Zommer: 

A graduate of the Royal College of Art in London with a master's degree in Illustration, Yuval has an impressive career, having worked as an art director for top advertising agencies before becoming a renowned author and illustrator of award-winning non-fiction books. His book, "The Tree That's Me," was named Children's Book of the Year 2019 by The Sunday Times.

Αlexia Vlara, 7/6/2024


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