French rock band LAH (Cold Lands, Xtrabal...) debuted first single + official music video "The Horizon Line" // Out on digital through all streaming services


French rock band LAH aka Locked At Home (Cold Lands, Xtrabal...) debuted first single + official music video "The Horizon Line".

Out on digital through all streaming services.
LAH (Locked At Home) is a french rock band created in 2022 from the association between Alexandre Martorano from Cold Lands and the producer/artist Francesco Alessi from Studio LE HANGAR 38. They've both initiated a project mixing theirs influences.

After some weeks of hard work, the band is proud to unveiled its debut single + official music video called "The Horizon Line", available right now on YouTube and the main legal platforms.

 ..For fans of Nirvana, Dead Daisies, Police, The Cure...
...Official statement...

"Working for many years with Francesco Alessi on the COLD LANDS project, it seemed obvious to embark on a parallel sound adventure, mixing the atmospheric and dreamlike environment in which I evolve with COLD LANDS, with the sharp sounds of old rock school that characterizes Francesco Alessi on his personal project or with his XTRABALL project nature. This first title with LAH convinced us, it is now up to the public to judge." (LAH)


Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις

Χλόη Αντωνοπούλου Μουζακίτη: " Για εμένα όμως η υπέρτατη αρετή που οφείλουμε να κατακτήσουμε σε αυτή τη ζωή είναι αύτη του ενήλικα που θέλει να βουτήξει το δάχτυλό του σε κάθετι νέο και να το γευτεί".

Εύη Μαραζοπούλου: "Η Σερβιτόρα και κάθε ήρωας μέσα σ’ αυτήν αντιπροσωπεύει τον σύγχρονο άνθρωπο, που έχει να αντιμετωπίσει σκοπέλους, εσωτερικούς ή εξωτερικούς".