PCAI supports SERAPIS MARITIME in Sharjah Biennial 16

PCAI supports

SERAPIS MARITIME in Sharjah Biennial 16

February 6 - June 15, 2025

PCAI supports SERAPIS MARITIME participating in Sharjah Biennial 16 with their new project Mother Trade. SERAPIS MARITIME (Krini Dimopoulou, Dimitra Dimopoulou and Manolis D. Lemos) is a hybrid art, design and fashion entity based in Greece, producing work inspired by the industries related to the sea, in narrative structures and through a constant upcycling of both materials and ideas. Mother Trade, their work for Sharjah Biennial, creates an immersive environment blurring experiences of showroom, exhibition and a public seating area. Public structures made from blocks of used clothing collected from local garment redistribution facilities serve as sculptures for observation and contemplation, offering different viewpoints of the water and the port. Sharjah Biennial 16 will take place from February 6 to June 15. MORE



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