Rockshots Records: ILLUSORY Release Music Video For Heroic Rhapsody "Ashes To Dust" + New Album Out!


Montreal, QC - June 21, 2021

For fans of Iron Maiden, Queensryche, Savatage, Jag Panzer

Rockshots Records: ILLUSORY Release Music Video For Heroic Rhapsody "Ashes To Dust"

New Album "Crimson Wreath" Out Now!

Greece's prog power Illusory are sharing their new music video for the heroic rhapsody “Ashes To Dust in support of their third album “Crimson Wreath” released on May 21st via Rockshots RecordsIllustrious actor/director Grigoris Valtinos is the leading man in the story, which exemplifies the essence of a fable across a path walked by the bravest and honored by the scholars of the world. This short film is about an epic manifesto, a darkening day to come and everlasting hope.

"Achilles! The greatest hero in Homer’s Iliad. A human war machine in the flesh. He was the inspiration for this specific song and this is the first time we actually pass the borders of Epic Metal. So much power engaged with melody as it was meant to be. Warriors shouts, battle vibes, seismic rhythm section, twin guitars, screaming high melody notes… and finally a glorious shivering narration from Mr. Grigoris Valtinos, a world-renowned famous Greek theatrical actor and director. It was such a huge honour to have him on board." adds the band.

The music video for “Ashes To Dust” can be viewed on Rockshots Records YouTube channel -

Having opened for such legendary acts Blue Oyster Cult, Warrel Dane, Geoff Tate, and Gus G, Illusory's new album “Crimson Wreath” is the next step in their widely praised evolution to follow 2016's Polysllabic (7hard/7us) and 2013's "The Ivory Tower" (The Leaders Records).

Melodic, riffy, cerebral, and complex “Crimson Wreath” is a very emotional and melodic release, yet heavy and strong at the same time. Both new fans and ones who have been listening to the band for years will indulge themselves in this latest offering of classic, progressive, epic, and thrashy performances. Lyrical themes found on “Crimson Wreath” are mostly anti-war, but the full length also includes a thematic unit consisting of three songs that deal with human loss.

"The band is thrilled! When we look back, from the first minute to the last one, from the moment we pressed record on the very first drum takes to the album wrap-up, we can’t stop thinking about all the things we set and done during those long hours of arranging every little album detail. “Crimson Wreath” has become a member of our discography and our most recent brainchild. And we are totally proud of it!"

For fans of Iron Maiden, Queensryche, Savatage, Jag Panzer, Illusory's “Crimson Wreath” is available at the following link:  

Track Listing:
1. Besetting Sins (5:01)
2. Acedia (2:11)
3. Crimson Wreath (6:35)
4. Immortal No (4:25)
5. All Shall Fade (1:51)
6. All Blood Red (5:48)
7. The Voice Inside Me (1:28)
8. S.T. Forsaken (8:08)
9. Ashes To Dust (5:51)
10. A Poem I Couldn’t Rhyme (4:22)
An Opus Of Loss And Sorrow:
11. Pedestal I: Past Forever Last  (6:07)
12. Pedestal II: The Isle Of Shadows (9:08)
13. Pedestal III: Agony’s Last (6:53)
14. Fortress Of Sadness (10:04)
Album Length: 1:18:00

Dee Theodorou – Vocals 
George Papantonis – Guitars 
Greg Bakos – Guitars 
Niki Danos – Bass 
Makis Vandoros – Keyboards 
Costas Koulis – Drums

For more info:


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Μαρία Γεωργαλά-Καρτούδη: "Η ποίηση για μένα απαλύνει τον πόνο, είναι μια ψευδαίσθηση ότι αν βάλω λέξεις να αγκαλιάσουν τη μοναξιά και την απώλεια, αυτές θα πονάνε λιγότερο".

Ηλίας Καρακωνσταντάκης: "Όλα καταλήγουν στο πρέπει, χωρίς να υπάρχει το θέλω να ζήσω έτσι".

Δημήτρης Μανιάτης: "Η δουλειά μου ως δημοσιογράφου με βοηθά στην πεζογραφία μόνον ως προς το σκέλος της καταγραφής, της παρατήρησης ή της τεκμηρίωσης στοιχείων".

Ελένη Καλαντζή: "Ο σκοπός μου είναι καθαρά εγωιστικός, να θυμάμαι πράγματα που νιώθω ότι θα ξεχάσω με το πέρασμα του χρόνου, με τον ίδιο τρόπο ακριβώς που κάποιος βγάζει φωτογραφίες ό,τι φοβάται περισσότερο να χάσει".