French Intergalactic stoner-rock band YOJIMBO shared live video single "Battlefield" // New EP to be released on March 26th through all legal platforms


French Intergalactic stoner-rock band YOJIMBO shared live video single "Battlefield".

New EP to be released on March 26th through all legal platforms.
2 years and a half after its official inception, French intergalactic stoner-rock band YOJIMBO is about to give birth to its debut EP planned for a digital release on March 26th through all streaming services (Apple Music, Spotify, Deezer, etc.).
In the meantime, the band offers a first glimpse from this record with the live video rendition of the single "Battleffield" available right now through the MrDoom YouTube Channel.
...For the record...
YOJIMBO let out their first cry in spring 2019. With drums sometimes frantic other times in step, a feminine voice wild and heavenly at the same time, and three heavy and fuzzy guitars: the tone is given.
Their influences go between the catchy licks of Stoner Rock, riffs invoked by Doom and the spatial ambiances at the border of Post-Rock.
On Spring 2022, the band will release its debut EP.

For fans of Acid King, SLIFT, Truckfighters, Windhand...
Domino Media Group (AXN)
LATELIER Boulevard Aristide Briand
13100 Aix-en-Provence (France)


Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις

Χλόη Αντωνοπούλου Μουζακίτη: " Για εμένα όμως η υπέρτατη αρετή που οφείλουμε να κατακτήσουμε σε αυτή τη ζωή είναι αύτη του ενήλικα που θέλει να βουτήξει το δάχτυλό του σε κάθετι νέο και να το γευτεί".

Εύη Μαραζοπούλου: "Η Σερβιτόρα και κάθε ήρωας μέσα σ’ αυτήν αντιπροσωπεύει τον σύγχρονο άνθρωπο, που έχει να αντιμετωπίσει σκοπέλους, εσωτερικούς ή εξωτερικούς".