French Fast punk four-piece Le Tunnel de l'Enfer premiered first single + official music video "Sly is a doer" // First EP to be released early 2022 through all streaming platforms


French Fast Punk four-piece Le Tunnel de l'Enfer (with members of Gummo, Stupid Karate, Penny At Work...) premiered first single + official music video "Sly is a doers".

First EP 'A Tribute to Daylight' to be released early 2022 on Minga Records // Domino Media Group.
New French Fast Punk band formed by ex-members of Gummo, Stupid Karate, Penny At Work or Supermodel Stitches, Le Tunnel de l'Enfer just premiered its first single on YouTube with the official music video of "Sly is a doer".

This song will featured on 'A Tribute to Daylight', the band's debut EP to be released early 2022 on the main legal platforms and distributed by Minga Records & the Domino Media Group (Colossus Of Destiny, Jian, Lethal Technology...).
 Formed in 2020 by former members of a bunch of major bands of the French punk /rock/hardcore scene, with the main idea to pay tribute to the action movies they grew up with, Le Tunnel De l'Enfer recorded its debut EP late 2021 as a "tribute record" to the movie Daylight (1996)
FFO : Limp Wrist, Tromatized Youth, G.L.O.S.S., Suicidal Tendencies...


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